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Act Of Freedom

Freedom of Information Act 2000: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding the Act

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) is a landmark legislation that provides public access to information held by public authorities in the United Kingdom. Enacted in response to the European Convention on Human Rights, the FOIA gives individuals the right to request and receive information from any public body, including government departments, local councils, and public institutions.

Scope of the Act

The FOIA applies to a wide range of public bodies, including government agencies, local authorities, police forces, and NHS trusts. It covers information held in any format, including paper records, electronic documents, and audio-visual recordings.

However, there are certain exemptions to the FOIA. Public bodies can withhold information if it:

  • Would prejudice national security
  • Would breach a person's privacy rights
  • Would be disproportionately costly to retrieve

How to Make a Request

To make a FOIA request, you must submit a written request to the relevant public authority. Your request should clearly specify the information you are seeking and provide enough detail to help the authority locate the requested information.

Public authorities have 20 working days to respond to your request. They can extend this deadline by a further 20 working days if they require additional time to process your request.


The FOIA is enforced by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). The ICO can investigate complaints about alleged breaches of the FOIA and issue fines or other penalties to public authorities that fail to comply with the Act.

Implications for Public Authorities

The FOIA has had a significant impact on public authorities. It has increased transparency and accountability, allowing citizens to access information about government decision-making and public services.

Public authorities are required to maintain a publication scheme, which sets out the information they routinely make available to the public. This includes information about their policies, procedures, and financial records.


The Freedom of Information Act 2000 is a vital piece of legislation that promotes transparency and accountability in public authorities. It gives individuals the right to access information held by these bodies, helping to ensure that government is open and responsive to the public it serves.
