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Burrower Bug Peanuts

Managing Peanut Burrower Bug

Peanut Burrower Bug: A Threat to Georgia's Peanut Production

The peanut burrower bug (Spodoptera frugiperda) is a soil-dwelling insect that poses a significant threat to peanut production in Georgia. Despite its subterranean nature, the bug is known to emerge from the soil to migrate to new locations, making it a challenging pest to control.

Damage Caused by Peanut Burrower Bug

The burrower bug primarily feeds on peanut foliage, leaving irregular holes and ragged edges. This damage can stunt plant growth, reduce yield, and increase the risk of disease. In severe infestations, the bug can even defoliate entire plants, resulting in significant economic losses for farmers.

Managing Peanut Burrower Bug

Effective management of the peanut burrower bug requires a multifaceted approach that includes:

  • Cultural Practices: Regular crop rotation and proper field sanitation can help reduce the incidence of burrower bugs.
  • Biological Control: Natural predators such as lacewing larve and parasitic wasps can help control burrower bug populations.
  • Chemical Control: Insecticides may be necessary to control heavy infestations. However, careful consideration should be given to the environmental and beneficial insect impacts of using chemical treatments.

Timing is crucial when managing peanut burrower bugs. Monitoring field conditions and scouting for early signs of infestation is essential to implement control measures promptly and minimize damage.
